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Largs T+C
I am just being honest, and hope this is taken as constructive criticism. I feel it needs said the entrant fees are pretty high for a weekender and not something I personally welcome. Like the majority of chess players, prize money is no motivation to myself. I can only manage 3-4 congresses max per season, and I will be more likely to opt for another congress on the calendar based on that value aspect alone.

There seems to be a new trend with weekend tournaments to have just the 3 events, MINOR-CHALLENGERS-OPEN. That's another issue also. Not sure why this is? Perhaps less work/admin for organisers, less volunteers needed? I am not a fan of this latest trend, I know of a club mate who has been put of some recent events he would have otherwise usually attended because he didn't like the grading bands. That the Largs Congress is taking this one step further with just 2 events, I do wonder if this will put some off.

Anyone over 1500 is going to have to pay the Open fees (as much as £47 with the cheapest at £40 if meet the discount criteria). Of course the choice is there not to enter, and I do wonder how many won't because of this. If your circumstances only allow the 1 overnight and a Rnd 1 Bye, its working out at £10 - £11.75 a game, before your other expenses such as travel/accommodation are applied, and that aint cheap.

I agree the tournament leaflet is cracking, best I have seen. Good to see a little bit of much needed Raz-a-ma-taz in Scottish Chess.

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