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Richardson, Spens, Nancy Elder and MacIssac
hamish olson Wrote:Money isn't the problem, it's time. Time does equal money the well known saying goes but I don't think CS wants to be paying people 5x their hourly salary x 8 players.

no way then CS would have to pay for arbiters volunteers etc and Im sure CS wouldnt want to pay my hourly fee LOL. We all want to move forward on this Clubs seem to go to the SNCL Ok over four weekends and the SNCL seems to be thriving so we could all learn lessons from the SNCL team, Perhaps perhaps perhaps'....

Time is an issue but it's still a national championship . The good news for you Hamish is that if the sponsorship comes off it will be a national sponsorship which lincludes Perth, Dundee, Aberdeen etc, but I dont want to get ahead of myself just yet

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