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Richardson, Spens, Nancy Elder and MacIssac
Hi Guys

I'd like to summarise what we have so far and where I bekieve where we may be going

1. The Richardson Cup is our Premier (elitist and quality ) event and there was a time when only our strongest teams could play in it. Indeed it was the case that to play in it for the first time you had to qualify by reaching the final of the Spens Cup, To that end there is a desire to protect the "quality" or playing strength of that tournament. Times have moved on but I believe we can maintain the high standards of that tournament. it was also felt last even the first round losers gained prestige and valuable experience by playing in it. It was always intentioned that the Richardson Cup gave the oppertunity for our strongest players to play each other. I have also noted that our strongest player mature their game here as it gives them the opportunity to improve and shine here
2. The Spens Cup was always open to all (quantity) and the first round losers were paired off into the Campbell Rosebowl. Although traditionally not as strong as the Richardson Cup it is still a prestigious tournament to play and win.
3. The Campbell Rosebowl is also an excellent tournament to win as the competitors more often then not are evenly matched in the final.

There you have it, thats what we have got, Numbers have declined here ( I've told we up to a hundred fewer players today than a few years ago ) The onset of online chess has had an impact of Over The Board chess.

where do we go from there? Improve the quality of the Richardson Cup and improve the quantity of the Spens is a commendable start but the two competitions need to be continually linked both in rules and team pools

My own opinion is that we need to both embrace existing changes such as introducing FIDE rated tournaments (with their own nuances) and constantly looking for improvements. We need to further enhance the Richardson Cup (without denigrating the prestige of the Spens Cup). I personally dont think the Richardson Cup needs any changing at all.

Subject to the discussion on the forum and with advice U have taken with interested parties, I dont think the central venue would work out at least for the next year. Also for that reason I would not expect incremental time controls at this time, therefore the need for digital clocks would not be necessary although this requirement may change from FIDE within the next few years.

As for accommodating other tournaments outwith Scotland this may be unrealistic, especially in January. I will look at it but apart from the 3rd week there appears to be a tournament every week (The 4NCL is over two weekends) The only solution for those affected would be to play their games before the allocated date if possible.

Finally I am trying to get an injection of funds from external sources to these tournaments in a bid to freshen up and enhance these tournaments. Perhaps, as is often the case money can be a solution

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