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Chess Scotland Constitution
The draft constitution states the following:

5. Voting
5.1. The following are each entitled to one vote at a general meeting, subject to the additional
regulations contained in 5.2 to 5.7
(i) Every Individual Member;
(ii) Every named eligible individual within a Family Membership
(iii) A single nominated representative of each member Club and Affiliate organisation.
5.2. Each member Club and Affiliate member may nominate a single representative to the Executive
Director at least 7 days before the general meeting.
5.3. Member voting rights, for all meetings, are not extended to:
(i) Members whose membership fee is in arrears by more than 1 month at the date of the
(ii) Members who have joined within 2 weeks prior to the meeting date.
5.4. At COUNCIL, Board or Committee meetings, voting is restricted to members of COUNCIL or the
relevant Board or Committee and each member shall have only one vote unless under
circumstances defined within the appropriate operating procedures.
5.5. Votes may be cast in the following ways:
(i) by personal attendance at the meeting;
(ii) by on-line submission via a system established on the Chess Scotland website;
(iii) by proxy vote via a representative entitled to vote and in attendance at the meeting,
notified to the Executive Director at least 7 days beforehand.
5.6. Proxy votes are only valid in respect of specific motions or nominations, and may not be used
for purposes other than those for which the proxy is granted. Proxy votes may be transferred to
support a minor amendment agreed by the original proposer (or nominated deputy).
5.7. In the event of an equality of votes the chairman will have a casting vote, in addition to his
personal deliberative vote, to resolve the tie.

As someone who advises companies, charities and associations on their constitutions in their day job, the above ticks all the proper boxes from a democracy point of view. Move on.
John Watkins

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