18-05-2016, 12:58 AM
JonathanIMGrant Wrote:Good to see the range of blitz events being expanded.
The homepage of the Edinburgh event indicates that it is a Saturday blitz event on 24 June. Assume it is Friday 24 June but important to get confirmed as planning to run a training seminar with Edinburgh CC that weekend.
Twice the reasons for chess players to visit Edinburgh on the weekend of 24 to 26 June!
Yes Jonathan, it is a Friday Evening 24 June. It is part of a mini series of 'Friday Evening FIDE Blitz' tournaments Fiona and I (and a few other volunteers) are organising. Except the Ayr one isn't on a Friday, its on a Saturday.
A bit of copy and paste obviously went wrong and the proof readers didn't spot it. But its corrected now.
Thanks for bringing it to our attention.