24-07-2016, 10:06 AM
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.britishchesschampionships.co.uk/entrants/">http://www.britishchesschampionships.co.uk/entrants/</a><!-- m -->
Good luck to all the Scottish juniors at the British Championships.
Starting today-
Under 16-Stuthi Hegde
Under 12- Jake Sanger, Aditya Hegde
Starting Sunday 31/7-
Under 15- Callum Smith, Sarah Smith
Under 11- James Hartman
Good luck to all the Scottish juniors at the British Championships.
Starting today-
Under 16-Stuthi Hegde
Under 12- Jake Sanger, Aditya Hegde
Starting Sunday 31/7-
Under 15- Callum Smith, Sarah Smith
Under 11- James Hartman