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Richardson & Spens
Alan Tate Wrote:Ian, I know you are trying your best but in the time it took you to write that long post on 26th Jan, you could probably have changed the rule!
It is not quite that simple, we don't change rules mid season - any rule change needs to be submitted to the Rules & Arbiters committee before being implemented, and will not take effect until the start of the next season, especially since rounds have already been played under the current rules. The updated rules also require to be published for all to see.

Alan Tate Wrote:Does it really have to go through the AGM? If it does then that's ridiculous - give the tournament director more leeway and get rid of pointless red tape.
No it doesn't have to go to an AGM. The rules are at the discretion of the Home Director and available on the CS website. The AGM is a last resort, and you would need much wider support from the membership, to recommend a rule change.

I don't think that
Alan Tate Wrote:Ok, here it is. Unless team lists or something similar are introduced for next season then I won't play the Richardson.
actually achieves anything other than weakening your team.

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