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Richardson & Spens
OK guys here we go and I hope I don't offend anybody

Andy B I haven't been in correspondence with anybody regarding this point but will willingly discuss publicly or privately about this

Jim is quite right in that I wont (cant) make this kind of change halfway throughout a tournament.

I don't see a majority of CS members actually asking for this change. If anyone wants this change then make a motion for discussion at the AGM or at least email or phone me and I will enter any sort of discussion.

If the majority want this sort of change then I will facilitate it. I just how this can be made to work practically without a lot of increased admin. For example a third party would be required to hold these "team lists" (probably me!) and then i would have to factor in changes for rules of exchanging, penalties and what type of penalties. Also I would like to see how these team lists are exchanged simultaneously unless on site on the day of the fixture, which would then require the away team to arrive earlier and the home team to book the venue longer. Then the home team would have to load the way team chess boards and adequate time to prepare. If the team lists are exchanged the day before then the third party would have to send both teams the team list at the same time. Again what penalties for non-compliance. To facilitate the all this then a central venue would be required with more expense for both teams

It's not ultimately I'm against this but I just don't see how this can practically work with teams geographically so far apart. Emailing each other has its own pitfalls. Perhaps a general agreement to publish player registration forms with a strict grading playing order would help.

Again if anyone wishes to contact me I would welcome the correspondence

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