20-04-2017, 11:49 PM
(20-04-2017, 12:21 PM)JonathanĀ Livingstone Wrote: David, lots of questions (sorry!)Jonathan, others have explained your FIDE rating question (thanks Jim & Alex).
Why are only 7 of my 9 games from the evening graded? I also heard it needs 9 games to get a Blitz rating? So everyone who played on the night, should have one by now even if did not have one before?
Is there going to be a Blitz again at the Ayr congress next month?
Did I pick up correctly from another forum post somewhere, you taken over the Ayr Congress from David G? I emailed my entry, other entriesĀ have shown up on the list since then but not me.
David Congleton has asked John and I to cover some of his Ayr Congress duties this year, which include me taking the entries. David Congleton remains the Congress Director. If you are not on the entries list, please drop an email to ayr@scotchesstour.co.uk, or have another attempt at the submission form on the scotchesstour website. We have had a glitch on the forwarding of emails, but David has a workaround, although it takes a few days for me to receive the email.
John and I haven't discussed a blitz for Ayr, I am not sure who else is arbiting and we need to make sure we get a break for an evening meal.