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Richardson & Spens
God Aften

(10-05-2017, 08:25 AM)amuir Wrote: I hear there is a proposal from Giffnock to make major changes to the Glasgow League rules for next year too e.g. remove both boards and players to make an elite division of oldies.

Not heard about that one, I am guessing reducing board size from 8 to 6?  Might be declining numbers causing that

What with proposed changes to Team Lightning by speeding up by 20%,

5 mins each for game, suggestion was 3+2 so for a 60 move game that is em 5 minutes.  So if it is 20% faster, does that mean the game ends after 30 moves regardless of the position?

making SNCL different time control and forcing a 10am start with impossible train times,

We had to, to comply with FIDE regs.  Change next season is to make it less frantic as 40 moves in 90 is a tad fast.

admin hassle in Richardson and extra prep required at family time it looks like all change ,

Well this is what was asked for...

and that ignores our new website design where 200 years of history and pictures of our handsome GMs are removed.

Scottish Chess Association was founded in 1884 not 1817.  I don't think we had websites back then.  

This is progress ? Looks like I will have to attend many AGMs to protest.

Well CS one is in August, SNCL is March 2018...
"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"

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