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AGM today (Consequences for noticeboard)
as I made the motion I will put forward the following points

1. Hamish isnt on the executive board and neither was I when I proposed the motion.
2. It was Hamish and myself who discussed and proposed the motion If you were at the AGM you would have known that some executive members had initial reservations
3. It is appropriate that the discussions were deliberated at the AGM and nowhere else. However I would have discussed the motion with anyone prior to the AGM on a 1 to 1 basis and everybody knows that
4. I read out a statement and contributed four basic points surrounding the need for the motion to be passed. Other members added further points
5. Several additional suggestions were made, some were taken on board and a basic one was rejected
6. The motion was published on the agenda three weeks previously for anyone to comment on
7. As always anyone could have contacted me directly

on a purely personal note you contacted me directly before the AGM on other matters. I am very surprised since you knew about the motion, you did not discuss any concerns with me. If you had any concerns about the motion perhaps you should have discussed the motion with the proposer or seconder. The Executive committee merely allowed the motion to be put forward, they would have no comment on the motion, which is right and proper. I will pass no further on comment on whether an answer or response is good enough.
Had you been able to attend the AGM, with the reasons and explanations offered at the meeting, then I'm sure you would have came to the same conclusion as the overwhelming consensus.

May I also say it was a great AGM with overwhelming support for the volunteers. May I offer my congratulations to Fiona Petrie on her twin director roles and look further to further working with her. Commiserations to Andy Muir whom I am sure will find himself to further supporting Juniors in Scotland especially with the upcoming Glorney Cup. Andy's boundless energy and enthusiasm will contribute to making the Glorney cup a success

As always, my door is always open for anyone to contact me directly.

Messages In This Thread
RE: AGM today (Consequences for noticeboard) - by Ianbrownlee - 20-08-2017, 03:33 PM

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