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AGM today (Consequences for noticeboard)
(21-08-2017, 12:43 PM)David Deary Wrote: Walter, I don't think anyone disagrees that officers should be accountable. However, speaking from my experience when I was an officer of CS the forum is just a means for certain individuals (a minority) to have a rant and a moan about CS matters almost always without discussing with the officer concerned first. This approach just gets peoples' backs up and for me is why the forum should not be used as a means to hold officers to account.

Also, the response to Steve was perfectly fine and entirely factual. Why should the Management Board explain a motion that went to the AGM that wasn't proposed or seconded from any members of the Board? There is also no guarantee that the Management Board has a collective view on this, all four could have voted differently. The members who proposed and seconded the motion are in the text of the motion and readily available in the AGM documents on the website. That's hardly evasion!

I agree wrt. finding out why non members don't join CS.
Also, they aren't kicked off the forum that is misleading, they can still read posts they just cant post themselves.

Doesn't 'moaning' cut both ways? The backs are often very quick to go up, IMO. Case in point here David, and often true I think - unnecessarily defensive or piqued responses (to civil questions) that duck the issues raised and then try to make the issue the attitude of the questioner.

These reposnses create a kind of protective auto-shield of exaggerated beleaguerment - which is understandable when there is genuine 'fire and fury', but I haven't seen anything of that nature here for years, so that excuse is wearing a bit thin...

I didn't say 'management' should explain the motion, just that saying it came from the CS membership was misleading. I was misled myself until it was cleared up. I wouldn't I call it 'entirely factual' - it's 'nothing but the truth' but it isn't  'the whole truth'.

BTW I think it's often better for a question to be raised in public unless it's a of personal or inflammatory nature. People might not want to trouble an official, but there could be many who would appreciate the answer or clarification.


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RE: AGM today (Consequences for noticeboard) - by WBuchanan - 21-08-2017, 03:09 PM

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