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Chess Scotland Adult Selection Criteria
Thanks John - interesting.

A quick summary of the chess requirements as I read them:

US, uses a system of 'Invitational Rating Points'

Operates a minimum games system with built-in deductions for fewer than 30 games in 12 month period (that ends 120 days before invitation) against strong opposition - 2200 mens team, 2000 womens (I think this may mean minimum strength not average). Players are
penalized one 'invitational point' per game short of the 30.

It seems like an explicit formula is used for selection, with even a formal tie break formula, the first breaker being the number of games.

New Zealand. Players must apply to be considered.
No specific activity rule requiring a minimum number of tournament games. Selectors interpret everything and take activity into account.

Singapore operates a National Squad from which players are picked but to be in it they must have played 27 Fide-rated games in the previous 12 months.
Players in the national squad must have standard ratings of  2300+ (men) and 2100+(women). Players must also be at least 20 years old. Other than that there is little reference to ratings. Players must send in all their games!

Players have to have played in the last two championships.
Olympiad: Top two ranked players in the each of the last two National Championships
Remaining positions decided by SCF on grounds of form, consistency  and potential.

It seems like scrutinizing the last two championships is an important part of all selections, and players' games too.

Sorry if I missed anything important

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RE: Chess Scotland Adult Selection Criteria - by WBuchanan - 16-09-2017, 06:54 PM

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