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Grandparents rule

I lost access there for a moment - no, not the plot, though you might well think that.

I'm not sure you're right - though I grant you may be. I was preparing to employ the Socratic method, but you've managed to blow that. Now I'll have to set up the pieces again, and at my age it's not easy to remember where everything goes.

I could just take the easy way out and claim 'quod erat demonstrandum', which for the benefit of those without Latin (or the Concise Oxford English Dictionary), means that our disagreement about the precise meaning of the constitution on this point establishes the truth of what I was saying about it not always being easy to understand what the Constitution is trying to achieve: here in relation to Voting.

I see where you are coming from in relation to Family Membership - just looked that one up - but there is a deeper, philosophic point. Is it right - or fair - that a parent/guardian can vote for him- herself and his/her ward/child? Doesn't that amount to two bites at the cherry i.e. a mini-form of Bloc Voting? In this context, please remember the basic tenet that not only must Justice be done, but it must be seen to be done.

Now, you have flushed me out into the open. I was laying a snare for David, but I had no idea that David Deary was a pseudonym for Hugh Brechin. No wonder I find crosswords so difficult nowadays.


PS I might return to develop that analogy that I was preparing...

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