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Stewarton Bonnet Guild Allegro 2018
Results from Stewarton Bonnet Guild Allegro 2018
Open section
First place tie between Stephen Mannion and Roddy McKay - Stephen wins on tiebreak
Third equal shared between Andrew Muir, Jamie Malkin, Alex Gilles

Major section
Three way tie for first place David Congalton, George Murphy, Calum McGillivray
David wins first place on tiebreak

Minor section
First place Joe Biggans
Second place tied by Jonathan Fallman, Walter Pearson, Billy Reid, Cooper Patterson

Under 14 section
First place Conor WIlson
Second place Lew Ng
Third place Rajkumar Anbu

Under 12 section
First place Shwetika Balaji
Second equal tied between Ishan Kumar, Lloyd Ferguson

Full report to follow in a day or so

Messages In This Thread
RE: Stewarton Bonnet Guild Allegro 2018 - by JohnMontgomerySCC - 10-06-2018, 10:17 PM

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