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Grandparents rule
David G Congalton Wrote:
David G Congalton Wrote:I too will vote against the motion in its present form but would support an amendment along the lines of that suggested by Douglas Bryson.

I've mulled over this for a couple of days and read with interest subsequent posts. I haven't really read an argument for changing the present criteria at all, never mind one that I find convincing. I am, however, always open to persuasion and will amend my previous statement to "I am minded to vote against the motion but will give the debate my fullest consideration before voting on the matter"

I will say I think the present FIDE rules appear to be far too loose and open to abuse, from what I've read. Is it possible that someone could play for [b]Scotland in an Olympiad, England in the next one, Andorra in a third, Christmas Islands in a fourth and so on[/b], simply by being a paid up member of the relevant national associations and the FIDE International selection laws wouldn't stop them, only the selection criteria of the individual nations?

At this point let me ask a question.
Who would be the victim?
Let me answer that question
The fringe players from England, Andorra, And Christmas Island.
Let me ask another question
Whose fault would it be?
Let me answer that question
The selection committees from England, Andorra, Christmas Island.

Let hope that Andorra and Christmas Island have a functioning standards committee.
England clearly doesn't or their president would have gone long ago. (My personal opinion on the T shirt slogan fiasco which started in August 2011 and continues to roll on and on).

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