07-03-2012, 12:39 PM
I opposed the creation of the SC in 2009 because of the inclusion of CS directors, of which there are now 2.
This can lead to the impartiality o of the committe being questioned. Trevor stated during consultation that the committe should be independent. I am not casting doubt on the abilities of the directors involved, but leaving the committee open to such a question is not a good thing.
That is the main reason that I opposed the formation of the SC in 2009 and still oppose it today.
There is another important question to answer. If I were to speak in my IBCA capacity would I be subject to the SC ? I would say no because I would not be speaking out as CS member and therfore not subject to SC jurisdiction.
I opposed the creation of the SC in 2009 because of the inclusion of CS directors, of which there are now 2.
This can lead to the impartiality o of the committe being questioned. Trevor stated during consultation that the committe should be independent. I am not casting doubt on the abilities of the directors involved, but leaving the committee open to such a question is not a good thing.
That is the main reason that I opposed the formation of the SC in 2009 and still oppose it today.
There is another important question to answer. If I were to speak in my IBCA capacity would I be subject to the SC ? I would say no because I would not be speaking out as CS member and therfore not subject to SC jurisdiction.