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Grandparents rule
David (Deary),

Selections committees will, choose between all the the players that thay are allowed to pick.
They will not necessarily pick the strongest available players. If they have a good reason for not doing so that is good enough for me.
If there were no published rules or guidelines international selections would still happen.

You may not be concerned with ECF matters but you are not the only reader of this notice board. The ECF runs the British Championship, last time I looked we were all British and all potential entrants to the event.

My comments about Andorra and Christmas Island selection committees was made in response to David Congalton's posting. Only the board moderator (who if you like is a one man standards committe) can declare the subject matter inappropriate.

And what is wrong with cheap points on this notice board. On this occasion I did not consider it a cheap point, I considered it a highly relevant linkage.

Whether you like it or not the agm is the ultimate authority of Chess Scotland. That meeting takes decisions most notably to appoint directors for the next 12 months.....whose remit is (at the risk of making a cheap point) to direct.

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