08-03-2012, 01:29 PM
1.c4 e5
2.g3 Nc6
3.Nc3 g6
Spoiler here>> OK, now my plan is to set-up my pieces according to the Botvinnik system: Bg2,d3,e4,Nge2,0-0 will probably be my next 5 moves, and we'll see what happens when we get there.
A brief comment about my experience in these systems- I made my debut with 1.c4 against Abhijeet Gupta (rated around 2650 now) at the London Classic in 2010, but gave it up a few months later. However I have played it a couple of times since then, specifically against Dutch Defence players For that reason if he goes f5 soon, then we will be in one of the chapters of Marin's book that I have read. Otherwise I will be pretty much on my own. <<Spoiler here
2.g3 Nc6
3.Nc3 g6
Spoiler here>> OK, now my plan is to set-up my pieces according to the Botvinnik system: Bg2,d3,e4,Nge2,0-0 will probably be my next 5 moves, and we'll see what happens when we get there.
A brief comment about my experience in these systems- I made my debut with 1.c4 against Abhijeet Gupta (rated around 2650 now) at the London Classic in 2010, but gave it up a few months later. However I have played it a couple of times since then, specifically against Dutch Defence players For that reason if he goes f5 soon, then we will be in one of the chapters of Marin's book that I have read. Otherwise I will be pretty much on my own. <<Spoiler here