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07/03/2012 - C.Sreeves vs A.Burnett
[pgn]1.c4 e5 2.g3 Nc6 3.Nc3 g6 4.Bg2 Bg7 5.d3 d6 6.e4 h5 7.h4 Nd4[/pgn]

Spoiler here>> Ok, well this is a position I am very familiar with, so 7...Nd4. I have played the black side of this recently against Donald Heron at my club and previously against Jonathan Grant, Alan Grant, Joe Redpath, Chris MacDonald, Daniel Rocks and a few others I'm sure!

As mentioned in my previous post, 7...Nd4 'prevents' the natural 8.Nge2 because of 8...Bg4. 8.Nce2 is a better move, when I intend to retreat the knight to e6 from where it eyes the centre, the q-side and the k-side.

White has to be careful about his development after that. It is easy for him to get the move order wrong and allow a quick ...c6, ...d5.

I'd love to see Clement's comments so far! Does he know this position? Does he know that I've played it so many times? OTB it is usually possible to get a 'read' on a player's thoughts - this is more like online poker! What cards is Clement holding?
<<Spoiler here

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