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07/03/2012 - C.Sreeves vs A.Burnett
[pgn]1.c4 e5
2.g3 Nc6
3.Nc3 g6
4.Bg2 Bg7
5.d3 d6
6.e4 h5
7.h4 Nd4
8.Nce2 Ne6
9.Nf3 Nf6
10.0-0 a5[/pgn]

Spoiler here>> OK, I'm tempted to just castle immediately, but it's always useful to see if there is an alternative. White might simply play b4 next move, so I could play 10...a5 here to forestall it (with the typical idea 11.a3 a4 which stymies his queenside expansion).

However, 11.d4 might be playable instead now that his king is tucked away and mine isn't - there might be tactical problems with me taking on e4 then. I need to look at a couple of variations after 10...a5 11.d4. Ok, I don't see any real danger there after 11...Nxe4, so I think I'll throw in 10...a5 because it's quite useful to secure some q-side space and the c5-square too.

I expect something like 11. Qc2 then 11...0-0 12.d4 or maybe even 12.Ng5 looking to exchange the knights and play Bg5!? I'm not sure, but I think my position is healthy enough and flexible enough for the time being.
<<Spoiler here

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