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07/03/2012 - C.Sreeves vs A.Burnett
[pgn]1.c4 e5
2.g3 Nc6
3.Nc3 g6
4.Bg2 Bg7
5.d3 d6
6.e4 h5
7.h4 Nd4
8.Nce2 Ne6
9.Nf3 Nf6
10.0-0 a5
11.b3 0-0
12.a3 c6
13.Bb2 c5
14.Bc3 Nd4
15.Nexd4 exd4
16.Bd2 Ng4[/pgn]

Spoiler here>> As mentioned a few moves ago, I can't allow the knight to be pinned by Bg5, so... <<Spoiler here

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