Talking of finishes - from a recent blitz game I had against Peter Jamieson, where I was white.
Black to move.
I was happy with my position - my pieces are blocking his pawns, and I have threats of my own.
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Black played
2 Kxb2 There's no alternative; if the queen moves Black will take the rook on d1, and c2 will be on.
2 ...Qxc2+!!
A shocking move. I can decline with Ka1 but after ...a4, White is overrun.
3 Qxc2
3... d3+ A deadly discovered check. The queen has to be returned and suddenly Black's firing on all lines.
Eg Kc1 Rxc2+ Kb1 Rb2+ Kc1 and Black mates with his unmoved rook, Rc8.
Black to move.
I was happy with my position - my pieces are blocking his pawns, and I have threats of my own.
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Scroll down for what happened next.
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Black played
2 Kxb2 There's no alternative; if the queen moves Black will take the rook on d1, and c2 will be on.
2 ...Qxc2+!!
A shocking move. I can decline with Ka1 but after ...a4, White is overrun.
3 Qxc2
3... d3+ A deadly discovered check. The queen has to be returned and suddenly Black's firing on all lines.
Eg Kc1 Rxc2+ Kb1 Rb2+ Kc1 and Black mates with his unmoved rook, Rc8.