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Richardson/Spens 2011-12
I am personally neutral on whether or not to FIDE rate events.

I am sympathetic to the stance of the titled players on FIDE rating domestic events as I would consider their international grades to be "hard won" rather than "precious". They are entitled , as we are, to have each their own opinion and to act on it by supporting or not certain events.

THE SNCL is getting a bit stronger year on year and it will be interesting to see if removing FIDE rating at SNCL helps in attracting IMs/GMs to the event. If so then great. If not then I am sure the matter will be voted on again at the next AGM.

The personal criticism of Andy M for not FIDE rating this years Richardson was not quite fair...also looking at the postings this seems to be more or less accepted....anyway I do not really read "cost" as being the key issue for anyone on this.

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