06-04-2012, 08:08 PM
StevieHilton Wrote:"The problem here is that the vote is undertaken by all clubs many of whom are players of lower strength and who simply have no idea the level of preparation someone 2100+ typically puts into preparation for a game"
Are you saying that clubs with the strongest playing pools should have a bigger say than a small club?
That is very dangerous ground you are walking. If you follow this line then I can say because I have played in two World Blind Championships 2 European Championships, 1 blind olympiad soon to be 2 and 1 braille world cup then the logic of what was said would say that I should have a bigger say. look at the mess the SPL is in because it allows a certain 2 clubs to dictate policy. That is what is being suggested.
I do not believe that 2100+ prepare all that thoroughly for league match. I cannot believe that they would prepare right up to the start of a match. That would be stupid, for they would arrive at a match exhausted and that would not be good for the team. Best thing is little or no preparation on the morning of a game, a good nights sleep befor the game and if timn allows, then a short walk before the start to clear the mind
Nobody has said they prepare right up to before the match Steve, so where did that come from? You can't just imagine scenarios that suit your argument but which have no basis in any of the preceding discussion/history etc!! Just because you, Pat or whoever does little or no preparation doesn't negate myself, George and others who do. Also, George's post has shed a bit of light on Pat's interpretation of events... =o
On a more serious point though Steve, might it not be best if you stayed on the outside of this debate for the time being (with all due respect) as it has been pointed out to me that you are the person to whom complaints about Andy Muir's handling of the Richardson event should be directed at?!