13-05-2012, 11:41 AM
In From London To Elista Bareev describes the sort of morbid fascination Kramnik's team of seconds had when watching that game being played. In preparation they hadn't given the position to the computer for more than 15 seconds or so, and it hadn't seen the fact that 25. ..Qd3 is a forced win. When the position arose after White's 25th, Svidler (who was following the game and entering the moves into the computer) announced to the team after four minutes or so that Black was winning. Leko then played 25. ..Qd3 soon after and won.
It was Svidler who had prepared the line for Kramnik, who blindly followed it in the game and lost. He wasn't chuffed.
It was Svidler who had prepared the line for Kramnik, who blindly followed it in the game and lost. He wasn't chuffed.