24-07-2012, 08:41 AM
Mac McKenzie, CS Treasurer, supplied info for a post about the government grant <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.chessscotland.com/news/?p=333">http://www.chessscotland.com/news/?p=333</a><!-- m --> in September 2011
In the early days it did actually fund individual travel to events.
"Originally any grants received were to assist with the cost of players taking part in international events and application had to be made for each event with the amounts ranging from £40 to just over £1000. That was 35 years ago in 1976."
In the early days it did actually fund individual travel to events.
"Originally any grants received were to assist with the cost of players taking part in international events and application had to be made for each event with the amounts ranging from £40 to just over £1000. That was 35 years ago in 1976."