27-07-2012, 06:47 PM
Hugh Brechin Wrote:does anyone with some Chess Scotland role have specific responsibility for fundraising?
I remember last year at a CS Council meeting that Angus for the North & Derek Howie for the south put themselves forward to try & seek sponsorship. I do not know how they faired.
A lot of us dabbled over the years trying to get sponsorship - as you have guessed without success. I was lucky in that I was able to get Barclays to match the monies I raised doing the sponsored blitz before I was made redundant. The monies raised paid for the Dolphin House training weekend, although everyone still had to pay for their accommodation/meals. Perhaps we need more fundraising to pay for weekends like that. As a parent I think £100 for a residential weekend for something like that is reasonable. However if you wanted to make it free approx £4k would need to be raised. Apart from Dolphin House we also sourced a centre in Perthsire for the Primary Ind that would also be ideal as a training weekend venue.
I have a document on home PC if anyone wishes to pursue sponsorship. I can forward on as its specifically showcasing Junior achievements & the International events with photos.