02-08-2012, 09:09 PM
David Deary Wrote:I have to be honest, I don't like the comparisons to other sports or the Olympics in particular. We can all pick and choose examples to best suit our own position but I try and avoid it.
Personally I think it is really important to be drawing comparisons with other sports, to try and find out where we are potentially going right or wrong. We cannot be the only sport to be faced with an issue of money for juniors, so it seems wise to look how others have handled similar situations. To use a chess analogy, it is well worth looking at how GMs may have handled similar situations to your own openings, and use this info for your own benefit. As I have said before, I would love to know the situation with other "minority" sports such as Darts and Bridge, purely to see their approach, and the outcomes of it. Where does the difference lie with those three sources of funding, or is there a difference at all?
My example was not handpicked to support my view, but was just something that came up today that seemed to draw parallels. Indeed, I would love to know of other sportsmen with funding issues and how they have found the extra money. If I found out that a raft of other people received money from a different source then I would be fully behind going that way.