11-08-2012, 06:17 AM
Quote:by Mike Scott » Fri Aug 10, 2012 9:49 pm
Alan Said:-
play players slightly stronger
'slightly' is the key word.
Nobody goes into a competition building up the strength of your opponents and undermining your own strength.
For the record and I am only actually in a position to speak for Ian!!, I wouldn't normally assume that I could speak for someone elses child!!, Ian has beaten the number 12 and number 21 seed in the under 16 competition previously. I guess I shouldn't be telling him that they are slightly better. He must be told that they are out of sight I guess.
As I said earlier. It is an upside down world.
Also here,
Quote:by Mike Scott » Fri Aug 10, 2012 2:49 pm
our juniors weren't good enough.
By snipping out 5 words mid sentence you have distorted what I said.
I said people shouldn't be saying that our juniors arn't good enough.
Well thanks to Alan for trying to be supportive and no thanks to you Mike I'm afraid.
My sincere apologies to you Mike if your highlighting of the word 'slightly' was actually supporting the viewpoint that they are only 'slightly' better.