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Funding Chess in Scotland
Gary McPheator Wrote:It is all very well, and indeed essential, to bring on the next generation of players but is equally essential that the adult game is nurtured as well.

I trully do fear putting all our eggs in the junior basket so to speak as there may not be much organised chess for them to play when they become adults.

I agree with these points - we can have thousands of juniors playing chess but if there are no adult clubs around for them to join as they mature are they going to carry on playing?

As for Gary's proposals, a lot of thought seems to have gone into them and I'm happy to see they have been fleshed out with some numbers =) . I've a couple of quick questions if I may? It seems to be more complicated than the current system - is it? And if I were to opt for the cheapest membership option, but played say 4 competitions, who would chose which were graded? (And who would pay for my games to be graded if I didn't pay?)

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