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Funding Chess in Scotland
I would have to confess AWIC that it is more complicated than the current system, but I do not think it is overly so. For it to work smoothly it would require the help of comp organisers and adjustments to the online membership system. The process I envisage would go like this:

Comp organisers would check membership status of competitors online. If membership is either of options 1 or 2, then they would assign their comp to player which I hope can be facilitated in the membership system update. Grading cards for both congresses and teams would need to be assigned here too. As this process would not allow you to go over your limit, then in the scenario you have outlined your league games and the first comp you played would be graded. I believe it would be better for grading integrity if comps insisted on all players having their games graded, but that would up to the comps themselves. If they did insist, you would have to upgrade before taking part in further comps if you had reached your limit. If they did not insist then your games would not be graded after that, but your opponents would if they qualified.

I am hopeful that this is not too much of a burden on organisers, and their would be the added bonus for congress organisers in over £200 more for congress funds for their efforts. I would imagine leagues would delegate responsibilty down to club level to make membership checks. I would be interested to here from organisers if this is too much to ask.

I am no computer expert, so I would also like to hear if such an online system is possible and not too difficult to introduce.

Has anyone else got any ideas?

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