19-08-2012, 10:42 PM
Yes, Murad doing well. I see that tomorrow he has a Spanish opponent of a roughly similar grade to his previous three opponents. I was discussing this evening with a parent about fide grades (or lack of one) at these major international junior events. Is it an advantage or a disadvantage to be a zero fide rated player at these events? If you are zero your opponent may know nothing about you (Murad would probably have been a bit of a surprise to say the least to his first opponent). On the other hand, if you are zero rated, you are virtually guaranteed at this level to be paired with a very strong opponent in the first round (and probably the second). I am certain they don't have their national grades listed on the paper scoreboard in the hall at these events or the website for that matter, but they certainly do at adult events like the U2000 section at the Czech Open (Zero fide rated Russia and/or junior beside their names are the words you don't want to see!).