08-10-2012, 05:25 PM
Re: Patrick (again) I did not mean to criticise the arbiter when I said he knows nothing. I just meant that he could not possibly have known what my plan was - especially if I start moving my pieces back to the 8th rank. I also think that it shows the rule is wrong if an arbiter has to know what a player's plans are. How can an arbiter ever know if a player is trying to win or not? Thinking, and recollecting more, I am sure that I was in a state of shock that you had so little time and that is why I said you were moving slowly. If you try and recall, I think you will remember that I had just come back to the board to find you and the arbiter together with the clock stopped and myself wondering what on earth was going on - try to remember - try to visualise it. I do not recall at any time that you stopped recording your moves (you are entitled to do this in the last 5 minutes and it makes a big difference to how fast a person can play). As far as I remember you even recorded his moves after the draw claim when the arbiter was watching. This added to the impression of playing slowly. I do not see why you were not informed that you did not need to keep score since I was keeping score and an arbiter was present. In other words from the draw claim onwards I was left with the impression that if I played normally I could not possibly demonstrate forward progress in the time: therefore I had to play superficial, bad moves which at least looked active. I now know, from Alex, that this was wrong: I should have continued normally. Please note that I am not saying that you deliberately played slowly: I just had the impression of unusual slow play which could be a wrong impression.
Good sense is of all things in the world the most equally distributed, for everybody thinks himself so abundantly provided with it, that even those most difficult to please do not commonly desire more of it than they already possess. Descartes