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Recognition for Chess in Scotland
StevieHilton Wrote:There is a certain degree of physicality involved in chess

Really? I understand that being physically fit helps but that seems a little much. Being fit probably helps you concentrate at work, is that a sport? There is plenty of examples, totally agree with Mike that your mind argument is pretty weak.

Chess just isn't a sport but that doesn't make it less worthy of funding or recognition, of course. Effort just needs to be focused in different areas. Drop out rates is probably something to look at. I've worked in a few primary schools and the uptake for chess has been really high yet there are very few high school clubs. Jonny runs the university club and he's had a decent few people who used to play in primary school but gave it up. Dare I say this is due to the image that chess has and the fact that teenagers don't fancy spending their weekends sitting down. Just a quick idea, tournaments like Dalguise aimed at slightly older ages might work?

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