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Live Boards
Well what I was meaning by prominence on front page was something slightly different. I guess it's easier to illustrate with a picture like <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> (I used link since image sizes for forum are fairly small) where you can see a shabby photoshop of what I was suggesting it should look like that would raise profile of digital boards.
General idea is that you can get latest games and ideally an archive format by tournament a bit like you would find at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... egames.php</a><!-- m --> but with difference that it's easily accessible and viewable so if I wanted to tell a friend to watch one of my games regardless of competition I would tell him/her to go to chessscotland site and click on live games link since currently location of games is quite variable depending on event.

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