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Euroyouth Bulgaria 2011
hamish olson Wrote:[pgn]e4 c5 Nc3 Nc6 f4 g6 Nf3 Bg7 Bb5 Nd4 O-O Nxb5 Nxb5 d6?! (7. ... d6 is slightly less accurate than d5, which should be just equal but interesting.) d3 Nf6 Nc3!? ( 9.Qe1 is the main move, but it should transpose.) O-O Qe1 Bg4 Qh4 Qd7 a4 Bxf3?! (12. ... Bxf3 only helps white's attack as I would probably play h3 to induce the exchange anyway, which would render h3 useless for my rook) Rxf3 d5 f5! dxe4 dxe4 gxf5? Rxf5 Qd4+ (After 16. ... Qd4+ I was afraid of getting back rank mated, and wasted a lot of time on ghost threats. This becomes noticeable later on when we are both short of time.) Kh1 e6? (Black's pawn moves gxf5 and e6 just weaken the king's shelter and invite the pieces to join the attack.) Rf3 Kh8 Rh3 h5 Bg5 Kg8 Rf1?! ( I had the killing Rd1! 1-0 (due to Bf4 winning the queen)) Ng4 Qxh5 f5 Qh7+ Kf7 Qh5+?! (exf5! is terminal) Kg8 Rhf3? Ne5?! Be3 Qc4 R3f2?? (my fatal error - I could still have won with the pretty b3! e.g. Qxc3 28.Rh3 Rf7 29.Qh7+ Kf8 30.Bh6 Qxc2 31.Qh8+ Ke7 32.Qxa8 +- as pointed out by my electronic chum. It might have been a little tricky to find this over the board, with 5 minutes on the clock for both sides.)
Ng4 Rf4? Nxe3 exf5 Rxf5[/pgn] (Round 1) Hamish Olson (SCO) 1988 - Nikita Meskovs (LAT) 2302 0-1

Hopefully there will be a couple more games from the Euros put up soon.

Thanks Gerard - this looks much tidier

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