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Liverpool Quadrangular
The Liverpool Quadrangular takes place November 30 to December 2, 2012

Squads below in alphabetical order.

Under 16: Murad Abdulla, Daniel Deary, Lennart Koehn, Andrew McCusker, Carl Milton, Stuart Wynne

Under 14: Alexander Bond, Colin Howie, Moray Lennox, Anna Milton, Declan Shafi, Fergus Skillen, Caitlin Reid, Liam Richmond, Zak Roy, Leonardo Sani, Jamie Underwood

Under 12: Matthew Billcliff, Euan Dawson, Michael Doyle, Andrew Gillies, Craig Gillies, Darren Gillies, Euan Gray, Stuthi Hegde, Kirsty McCusker, Thomas Stidolph, Ben Volland.


U16 GM Matthew Turner
U14 Jonathan Edwards and Calum MacQueen
U12 Alastair Dawson and Alex Gillies

Head of Delegation Paul MacDonald

ChessScotland officials Donald Wilson, David Congalton and Judy Milton.

Good luck to eveyone at this event and a special thankyou to Donald, David and Judy for the terrific job they have done in organising accommodation and transport amongst other things.


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