10-12-2012, 07:36 PM
Adam Bremner Wrote:amuir Wrote:Why is no-one getting any IM titles anymore ?
I think you have answered your own question here. Availability of FIDE events comprising of strong opponents for Scottish players. With SNCL and Richardson not being FIDE rated any more, it basically only leaves the Scottish; and if like me something crops up meaning you can't make it, you are totally stuffed. Only solution is to look abroad, but then trying to find holidays and finance makes it discouraging. You will know much better than most, but I think playing events of a high caliber fairly regularly is a necessity for any aspiring titled player. I believe Scotland has players capable, it is just unfortunate that chess culture in the UK is so grim.
Yeah, to an extent. Jonathon Hawkins made his GM title (if he's not there it's a matter of time) entirely within the UK. Okay, it is easier in England as many of the tournaments like e2e4, Classic ect. are down there. Maybe funding to these tournaments is an idea? Even a few quid to help with travel goes a long way considering most of our candidates for titles are students.
Having at least one FIDE rated tourney in Scotland would be nice, the Scottish was a good start but not ideal for norms: the huge volume of players means you've got to start off playing really well or you'll end up playing lower rated players. A closed tournament like the one held in Alva St. a few years ago would be perfect but obviously not so easy for funding as you need foreign IM/GMs. Does Jacob count as a foreign GM for these purposes (this is if he still plays)?
Not FIDE rating SNCL and congresses makes at least some sense to me even though I disagree with it: I think people should defend their rating no matter the time control. Fair enough if the majority don't agree, I can see where they are coming from. Not FIDE rating the Richardson is a joke, one game a day against top opposition in the premier competition in Scotland? What was the reason given at the AGM?