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Equipment for Disabled Players
I am not singling out Prestwick I would have raised the same concerns with any tournament that is planning to use time controls with increments. They are very difficult for blind players as I know from experience. I know that it is not your intention when I said effectively banning players but surely you would accept that it makes things a little more difficult for us who have a visual handicap I know that you are doing a lot of good work but I would say the concerns I have raised are legitimate. I reiterate that I am not against the use of time increments, but have concerns about how they affect blind players in particular..

With respect,
The clock I am referring to can easily be used by everyone disabled and non disabled alike. and the clock is much easier to programme than some of the digital clocks now available. I am just simply suggesting that CS consider investing in some of these clocks in the future if time controls with increments are going to be used more frequently That would be a benefit to the whole of the Chess community in Scotland I would add Andrew that the disabled are as much a part of the chess community as the able bodied or Gens Una Sumus We are one people

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