24-09-2011, 12:08 PM
News relating to junior event, saturday night event and accomodation offer at Parkstone Hotel, Prestwick, updated on congress website <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.ayrshirechesscongress.co.uk">www.ayrshirechesscongress.co.uk</a><!-- w --> . Add the website to your favourites to keep up to date.
Website also has some ads now which will hopefully generate some revenue for the event. More ads will be added but without comprimising the feel and look of the site too much.
Thanks to the two people who registered with Greasy Palm. The congress will benefit by £7 per person, once they have earned £15 of cashback.
The current cashback amount on my Greasy Palm account which will go into congress funds stands at £0.51. I have a couple of amounts pending, having purchased two items at play.com via Greasypalm for a birthday and having reviewed my spending on phone, broadband and TV I'm planning to move all to BT, again via Greasy Palm. The cashback earned should see the amount to congress jump a little.
Website also has some ads now which will hopefully generate some revenue for the event. More ads will be added but without comprimising the feel and look of the site too much.
Thanks to the two people who registered with Greasy Palm. The congress will benefit by £7 per person, once they have earned £15 of cashback.
The current cashback amount on my Greasy Palm account which will go into congress funds stands at £0.51. I have a couple of amounts pending, having purchased two items at play.com via Greasypalm for a birthday and having reviewed my spending on phone, broadband and TV I'm planning to move all to BT, again via Greasy Palm. The cashback earned should see the amount to congress jump a little.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.scotchesstour.co.uk">http://www.scotchesstour.co.uk</a><!-- m -->