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Organising tournaments - they've all gone !
Alex McFarlane Wrote:There are a couple of ways.

Basically, in an all-play-all losing to someone means that a competitor gets a point and could reduce your prize money.
In a Shev everyone could lose to one or two of the opposition without affecting the result of their own tournament.

Even if there is no blatent cheating it can be easier to put a field together which may improve chances.
A team of 9 2200s v 3 IMs and 6 2000s (inc 2WFMs or FMs) would have a good chance of creating IM norms. The benefit is that the norm candidates don't have to face each other and can instead defeat some lower rated players and score against an IM or two. To score 7/9 in such circumstances may not be easy but it is more likely than in a Swiss or APA.

Hmmm...would having a highly-respected, licenced International Arbiter in charge make any difference? 8)
Or is it just the potential for dodgy dealings which is the problem?

My thoughts were to have 9 2200's chasing norms against 3 IM's and 6 FM's (or thereabouts - being paid for their trouble). I know I'd have to get the ratings/titles/nations represented sorted out in detail).

If any IM's or FM's would like to contact me confidentially with their conditions please do so. Although, again, this is still in the 'ideas' stage rather than definitely going to happen. Obviously what Alex is telling me will have to be factored in, along with a hundred other things!

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