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Lothians Congress Minor
Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, I give you fair warning. If you are playing in the Minor section of the Lothians congress this weekend please bring your A game. I have made a solemn promise to myself to purchase an aquarium and some tropical fish should I score 5 out of 5 and I really, really want a 60l aquarium complete with cabinet. Obviously, I also want a small bridge to put in the said aquarium for the fish to meander over and back again.

For those who may be unfortunate enough to face me, you have one more day and two more nights to brush up your skills and work on your game. I will be showing no mercy to adults or juniors, men or women and fully intend to sweep all before me in pursuit of this goal. Take my recent results at face value at your peril.

I do not expect any easy games, in fact I demand you play to the best of your capabilities. That way, when I am sitting admiring my new underwater extravaganza it will be that much more satisfying. Once you have been beaten do not be disheartened, I shall be buying 5 fish for my new aquarium and will name them after my 5 vanquished opponents. From the entrants list, so far, the fish may be called Mark, Camas, David Mc, Mike and Mahir. I reckon I'll need to invest in at least one mini-shark if that's how it turns out.

For those who would like a fish named after them, play well and play to win. Should you do well you may get to face me in a last round showdown, if you are lucky and before the last round if you're not.

Ha ha ha ha ha (please read the last in a manic, deranged kind of way, for full effect).
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