11-07-2013, 01:58 PM
The state of your bowels notwithstanding, the question still stands, what percentage of members does it take for a members non-renewal of their membership to be agreed at high level to be posted on the home page as news? I personally do not agree that just because he was a recent past president as sufficient reason, and, given the recent turmoil, it does give the impression of a witch hunt which was , I am sure , not the impression intended. I take note of your implied contempt for the members using the forums and my bowels are similarly not in a turmoil, though if that is your position I would suggest allowing someone else to reply for you. I read the post and I read it as a confusion between cancellation and non-renewal, one of which involves the Council and one doesn't. If you do decide to post again I would point out that any post you feel you have to finish with no offence intended is not a post that should be made.