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Michael Hanley
Ianbrownlee Wrote:one thing is certain it cant go on like this. The council meeting obviously didn't resolve these on-going issues as otherwise reported. Either a specifically called meeting to resolve this or a motion at the AGM is called for where everything is brought out once and for all. I would go as far as saying any such meeting should be chaired by a neutral and there are plenty neutral good guys out there. There are in my opinion old wounds repeatly opened up all the time and it has to stop. So lets all get together, have an agenda and thrash it out. I'm beginning to think that Chess Scotland either has to split into separate adult and chess organisations as was before or Chess Scotland has to have a complete revamp but be he only recognised chess body in Scotland. Either we take control or we lose control its that simple.
I've written my thoughts in a document. Its not ideal but it has constructive comments for others to improve upon.
A lot of people are making good points here so lets focus on any positives we can get out of this

I 100% agree Ian, very nice post Sir!

It would be outstanding to get some positivity/ constructive contributions.

Firstly I would like to say a big well done to all officials / organisers of Chess in Scotland, lets not forget these are entirely voluntary roles. It is a tireless job and often a thankless one too. So a big thank you to everyone who does there part for Chess in Scotland.

The problem seems to be certain individuals take things personally and it escalates from there. If you disagree with something, fair enough, but there has to come a point where you let it go.

As a consequence of all this, there is now certain individuals who would appear keen to create a breakaway movement in relation to junior chess, to cause division. Chess in Scotland would be worse off as a consequence of this. Things have moved on a long way since the formation of Chess Scotland when it absorbed the SJCA. At that time, from my understanding, the SJC was formed as a protest against this and was later assimilated back into the main organisation.

When going for funding/publicising the game in the country it would be far better to have a unified national body. As opposed to Chess Scotland and a few organisers, in certain geographical areas, who want to operate outside the scope of Chess Scotland.

**Edited by A Howie to fix the quote problem**

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