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Michael Hanley
Membership Secretary Wrote:One of my rare forays into the world of the discussion forum, so here goes.

I realised that as soon as I was appointed Chairman of the standards Committee I would become a controversial figure. This assessment was based on observing the treatment given to my predecessor. In fact, the Phil Thomas unpleasantness generation machine was started up and aimed at me even before my appointment was confirmed at the 2012 AGM. Well, nobody loses any sleep over that but I do feel that various facts should be stated here to avoid misunderstandings amongst the many people who read this forum.

Mr Heathwood,
you know or should have been able to surmise from my private e mails to you last summer that my refusal to rejoin Chess Scotland was a protest about the performance of your predecessor as Standards Committee Chairman. The evidence for my assertion that his performance was lamentably poor is contained in the multiple apologies he sent me by email.

I stated in private mails that I would not become a member of Chess Scotland again until the organisation became fit for purpose again. In my mind CS became sufficiently fit for purpose when Linda McCusker’s report was published (albeit on the notice board) on the evening of Friday June 21st . That report listed around 17 different places where the standards committee investigation in one case (EDITED BY MODERATOR) had seriously procedural malfunctions.

Shortly after that report was published I rejoined Chess Scotland. I did not expect a warm welcome but I did expect that the requirements clearly laid down in the constitution would be followed.

In the weeks after you became chair of the standards committee you had repeatedly told me that you could not re open an old case. Today you have chosen to re open that case in order to launch a vicious personal attack upon me.

This behaviour is not acceptable.

Since you have opened the case to the forum members I will exercise my right to reply and inform the forum members what the cases I brought concerned.

I complained about foul and abusive language that was e mailed to me by a CS official. It was so bad that the official concerned considered the offence to be bad enough to offer his resignation to the executive director of Chess Scotland.
I complained because that offensive e mail was also sent to my wife. That barbarous act was not taken into account by the standards committee in reaching their judgement.

My other complaint concerned a blackmail attempt by a CS official who in my view was attempting to distract attention away from my first complaint.
This too was treated as an genuine complaint – my £10 deposit was returned to me – but only after I reminded last year’s chairmen of the rules he was meant to be following.
I was never even given the result of the second complaint.

Hence I reached the view that a national body delegating responsibility to this type of Standards Committee was unfit for purpose. That view is supported by the 17 recommendations of Linda McCuskers report which once more is not available for the membership of CS to read.

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