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Michael Hanley
Patrick McGovern Wrote:Mr Thomas made an unsolicited comment in aniother post, since reffered to on this one

Quote:When I let it be known recently that I used my Scottish PVG certificate to get onto the list of ECF disclosed arbiters I am urged to take some unspecified action to ensure that I am seen to be "legal".
However Dr Thomas did not in fact mention he was in possession of a Scottish PVG certificate as noted in his quote below

Quote:There have been some rumblings recently about my Disclosure Status.
So for the record. My PVG status can be confirmed on line as follows.

Go to ECF website
Look up list of ECF arbiters
Find me under ‘T’

All arbiters on that list have provided the ECF office recently with PVG certification. In the case of the ECF certificates are valid for only 3 years

My response was commensurate with Mr Thomas' comment, nothing more nothing less.

The following leaves me with great concern as to Dr Thomas' well being

Quote:So have a go with this Greenwood Chess Club members (but not all the club's members).

I wish to make a statement about Monica Lewinsky.
I did not have sexual relations with that woman

post another comment like that about my welfare and I will seriously consider going to the police and reporting you for veiled threats of violence.

Troon Chess Club,
Sorry to break it to you this way on a public forum but I will not be playing league chess in Ayrshire for the foreseeable future.

concerning my PVG status.
I still have no further comment to make except to say that the truth is the truth is downright bleedin' obvious from what I posted. No more words are needed from me.

I am not on trial here.

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