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These Live Boards are a Load of Tosh!
I have 7 games lifted from the Live Games pages.
The PGN Download page still says 'Coming Soon..."

What will come first I wonder.
The 120 Scottish PGN's or Hibs lifting the Scottish Cup.

But let us look at these very rare 7 precious gems.
By the way things are looking it will be the only 7 games anyone gets to see.

Nickl v Brown, the score is not there, just the result.
No doubt because the live board packed up.

Oswald - Gulian and McCrae - BUchananen open with 1.d4.
Fischer states he did not play 1.d4 on principle so following
the same principle I never look at games that begin with 1.d4

McKerracher - Borwell I can see right away White played 3.g3.
White players who fianchetto their King's Bishop always play boring games.
(it's not their fault, they are boring people.)

The Black King's Bishop should always be finachettoed.
The White KB belongs on c4 for a max of 3 moves then it goes to f7.
This was another game not worth playing over.

Roy - Robertson
Something wrong here and yet again the live boards must be to blame.

[pos]r1b2rk1/p3qpp1/3bpn1p/2p5/8/2PQBN2/PPB2PPP/3R1RK1 b - - 0 19[/pos]

The score states the game continued 17...Bc7 18.Qc4 Bd6 19.Qd3 Bc7
on and on then gives ½ - ½

So it obviously got stuck in a repeating glitch type loop.
(Note the use of computers terms...I know what I am talking about.)

Nicholson - Burrows is given as a draw and yet the final position is:

[pos]8/3k4/8/2P4p/8/8/8/K7 w - h6 0 57[/pos]

Any fool can see that the h-pawn cannot be caught.
Even Dicky Reti could not make a valid study out of this.
Yet we are given ½ - ½.
(check it for yourself I would not make this up.)

Conclusion: These live boards are a load of tosh!
The four people out there who are sitting watching these games are not being fed the right moves.

Look at this from Schmerwitz - Green.
(who is Schmerwitz? Are these live boards are now making up names?)

Here: Black Andrew Green to play.

[pos]r1bq1rk1/pp2ppbp/2np1np1/8/3NP1P1/2N1BP2/PPPQ3P/R3KB1R b KQ - 0 9[/pos]

The PGN says Andrew played 9...Bxg4??

I know Andrew, we attend the same knitting class at Great Junction Street.
As I type this I am wearing a pair of grey hand-knitted socks he gave me last Christmas.

Andrew does not go around blundering pieces away.
So yet another goof up by these live boards.

Shut these things down, get that Carlos guy who is working on them to to enter the PGN's.
Get him to do it by hand, do not let him near a computer.

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