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Scottish Chess Championships 2013

I am chuffed to tea breaks that Roddy won the Scottish only regret not being there to see it.

I would have liked a play-off at a new venue on a diffenrent date. They used to do play-off's.

I recall Kopec-McKay went to a play off in the early 80's.
Danny asked me and Spike Mullen to look at Roddy's games to see if we could find a weakness.
So we looked at his games and came to the conclussion McKay was a genuis.
In the end all we could give Danny was our best wishes and 'Good Luck.'
(Danny won the play-off and nobody was more surprised than us two. )

George asked why the Scottish players were so out-classed.
Computers and coaching George.

This current batch have fallen for the hype and cannot switch off their boxes.
This is why talented players who learned their skill without computers are winning Scottish Championships.

There are no Scottish IM's or GM's under 30 years old. Most are on the wrong side of 40!
Its' proof that computers are doing damage and sucking the creativity out of our players.

I've a good mind to come out of retirement and cheapo their asses back to the chessboard and books.

I think Alan's use of the term 'bunnies' is OK.
He needed a word to describe weaker, less experinced, lower graded players.
At least he did not use 'patzer' a term I never have used and would find insulting.
'Bunnies' is OK. It's polite and I'm sure it did not mean to cause offence.
(I would have used computer influenced zombies.)

Meanwhile I challenged Andrew Murray to come out of hiding and play me at Tennis/Chess....

[Image: jzvcrp.jpg]

....But he did not show up.

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