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Glorney 2013
I've decided to talk about serious chess for a change. I cannot find an example of the Moultrie Defence in Scottish annals (maybe I was the promoter and it should be the Muir Defence) but I have found a great example of the Moultrie Attack. Alistair Hunter was one of Scotland's promising young players in the early 1980s. and I believe he was leading the Scottish Championship at one point. George draws comfortably with a perpetual at the end.

Moultrie,GB - Hunter,AJ [A00]
SCO-ch Troon (6), 29.07.1982
1.e3 e5 2.Ke2 d5 3.Qe1 Nc6 4.Kd1 Nf6 5.b3 Bd6 6.Bb2 0–0 7.f3 e4 8.Nc3 Re8 9.fxe4 dxe4 10.Nge2 Be5 11.Kc1 Be6 12.h3 Qd7 13.g4 h6 14.Nf4 Rad8 15.Bg2 g5 16.Nh5 Nxh5 17.gxh5 f5 18.Qe2 Bf7 19.Rd1 Re6 20.d4 exd3 21.Rxd3 Rd6 22.Bxc6 Qxc6 23.Kd2 Qe8 24.Rg1 Bxh5 25.Qf2 f4 26.exf4 Bd4 27.Rxd4 Rxd4+ 28.Kc1 Qf7 29.f5 Bg6 30.Rf1 Rf4 31.fxg6 Qxg6 32.Qg2 Qf5 33.Rh1 Rf2 34.Qe4 Qxe4 35.Nxe4 Re2 36.Nf6+ Kf7 37.Rf1 Ke6 38.Bc3 Re3 39.Bb2 Rxh3 40.Ne4 b6 41.Bg7 Rd7 42.Re1 Kf5 43.Bc3 g4 44.Nf2 Rf3 45.Re5+ Kf4 46.Re4+ Kf5 47.Re5+ Kf4 ½–½

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